Laravel vs

Laravel vs CodeIgniter

A developer always looks for a better way to get the work done as far as the use of PHP framework is concerned. In the past, there were not many choices available to take on due to clunky syntax of frameworks. Nowadays there are numerous options available with an elegant solution for embedding the PHP code or combine directly with web frameworks. In this article, we will take a look over two popular PHP frameworks i.e. Laravel vs CodeIgniter.

Model View Controller

Both Laravel and CodeIgniter use MVC patterns to speeds up the design as the developers can develop the code for the present or currently working projects without rewriting it again and again. Model view controller divides the design into three fundamental components. The model describes the user with a list of object choices, view presents the information based on the request of the user and the controller controls over the user requests. Laravel includes vast well documented MVC pattern while on the other hand, CodeIgniter is all simple to learn and implement.

For Data Structure

As far as the Data Structure organization is concerned, Laravel uses object-oriented relational mapping where the information arranged in tables with objects having clear relationships to one another. It allows the developers to display complex relationships for the queries of the user. Laravel not only offers the facility of data query but also of ORM, it also creates a number of inconsistencies within the queries and can return null result due to discrepancies between the query builder and eloquent ORM. While on the other hand, CodeIgniter uses object-oriented mapping which includes data without having to relate them specific to a relationship. It can be the best choice for arranging pictures and videos. Moving towards the winner, it totally depends on the scale of the specific applications.


Laravel framework offers easy maintenance that is great for the builds that can change over time as the company evolves. At the same time, CodeIgniter is not that much capable of handling the maintenance. It emphasizes building speed and maintaining small footprints. In CodeIgniter, the developer needs to spend a lot more time in rewriting the codes for updating the site as it doesn’t support modular separation.

Templates and Libraries

Talking about the templates and libraries for both the rivals, CodeIgniter doesn’t include global template system as the Laravel is light and can maintain an ultra-small footprint. While on the other hand, Laravel uses Blade template that can render the information without messing with the model view controller.

In the above paragraphs, we have discussed a number of points for Laravel vs CodeIgniter, both the rivals contain different pros and cons based on the particular condition. It is not possible to declare the best one between these two, so one needs to select the preferred entity as per the requirements of the project. If you are still left with any concern, you may reach out to us at [email protected]. We are round the clock available and will be extremely happy to listen from you about the queries and the doubts. We will give our 100% in resolving all your doubts and the pain points. Feel free to contact us via mail mentioned above.

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