core features of

Core Features of Joomla

If you are not much confident about the Core Features of Joomla, you are exactly at the right place. Through this write-up, we will make you aware of the core features of Joomla which make it be the most preferred content management system to go with.

In this tech-savvy world, we are surrounded by a number of famous names in terms of technology. Among such popular entities, one of the rapidly rising names is Joomla.

It was created in 2003 as a content management system and presently has more than 3 million websites running on it.

That’s quite amazing, and it has some reason behind as it has been named as the most rapidly growing content management system.

Core Features

There is a number of extravagant features of Joomla which are as follows:

Easy Blog Publishing

It’s pretty easy to deal with Joomla and once you get the hang of it, the only thing that you need to do is a copy paste of the content.

Followed by the clicking upon publishing button, it’s a bit easy than you think.

Open Source Infrastructure

As we are well aware of the fact that open source software powers most of the internet, there are a lot many such entities which elevate our business to the extent where we always want to be.

Surely, you would have heard about PHP, the king of open source web scripting language.

Even the biggies such as Harvard University prefer PHP. Backed by such an astounding technology, Joomla is the best option in term of CMS and for data storage too.


This leading-edge content management system has come up with more than 8000 Joomla extensions.

It enables you to shape your website in an efficient manner which would end you up at a high rocketing success with respect to your business.

These extensions have been divided into 33 different categories which include communication, editing, social, and site management.

Each extension has been labeled clearly with star ratings to indicate how useful it would be for the users.

Ease of E-commerce

If you are still not sure about the selection of the best content management system, you need not contemplate anymore about the same.

Being one of the most preferred CMS, it offers a number of components created specifically for fulfilling the requirements of an E-commerce business.

Even you can manage the content without having to switch over the multiple tabs to accomplish the task. It provides you various options for such as shipping, Pay Pal, and payment gateways.

SEO Friendly

From the launch of Joomla 1.6, it has been delivering by default SEO friendly features.

It allows you to choose your own keywords and meta description of your web pages which significantly improves your SEO.

Hence, it would not be wrong to give Joomla a name of “knife of Swiss Army” as it provides a one-stop solution to deal with all your business issues.

In the above context, we have looked at many core feature of Joomla.

Being a perfect CMS solution, it has come up with numerous features which can’t be described in a one go.

If you are eager to know about all the core features of Joomla, you may reach out to us at [email protected].

We are round the clock available and we will be extremely happy to serve you in dealing with all your technical challenges. Feel free to drop some text in the comment section below.

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