
How Technology is Helping to Combat with COVID-19 Pandemic?

Technologies and innovations can’t forestall the beginning of the pandemics; however, it can help prevent the spread, educate, warn, and empower those on the ground to be aware of the situation, and discernibly reduce the effect. During the COVID-19 pandemic, technologies are assuming a crucial role in keeping our society functional in a time of lockdowns and quarantines. Furthermore, these advancements may have a long-lasting impact beyond COVID-19.

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) and different advances are progressively being utilized to help endeavors to battle and combat the spread of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.

Here’s a rundown of some major sectors where innovative technology is helping during this unprecedented global crisis:

Remote Work

Numerous organizations have their employees to Work From Home. Remote work is empowered by advancements including virtual private systems (VPNs), voice over web conventions (VoIPs), virtual gatherings, cloud innovation, work coordinated effort devices and even facial recognition advances that empower an individual to show up before a virtual foundation to safeguard the security of the home. Notwithstanding forestalling the spread of infections, remote work likewise spares drive time and gives greater adaptability.

The utilization of applications like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype Meet Now, and so forth, all are giving us that vivid experience.

Computerized and Contact less Payments

Exchange of cash may transmit the infection, so Reserve Bank of India, has executed different measures to guarantee banknotes are perfect before they go into dissemination. Presently, contact less advanced installments, either as cards, UPI or e-wallets, are the prescribed installment strategy to keep away from the spread of COVID-19. Advanced installments empower individuals to make online buys and installments of products, benefits and even utility installments, just as to get boost finances quicker.

Distance Learning

As of mid-March 2020, approx 191 nations announced or implemented school or college closures, affecting 1.57 billion understudies. Numerous instructive establishments began offering courses online to guarantee training was not disturbed by lockdown measures. Technologies associated with distance learning are like those for remote work and furthermore incorporate computer generated simulation, virtual reality, augmented reality, 3D printing and artificial-intelligence-enabled robot teachers.

AI to Identify, Track And Forecast Outbreaks

Artificial Intelligence can figure out how to recognize a flare-up; additionally the better one can follow the infection, the better odds of battling it. Artificial intelligence can recognize the outbreak by investigating social media, news reports, and government stages. Canadian startup BlueDot’s is working perseveringly to caution individuals of the danger days before the WHO gave its open alerts.

Utilizing Drones

The wellbeing offices and metro body authorities are using drones to splash disinfectants and sanitize containment and control zones and deliver food to those in isolation and quarantine during these tough times. Additionally, drones are being utilized to watch open spaces, track resistance to isolate orders.


Telehealth can be a successful method to contain the spread of COVID-19 while as yet giving basic essential consideration. Wearable individual IoT gadgets can follow fundamental signs. Chabots can make introductory analyses dependent on side effects recognized by patients.

Recognize Infected Individuals

On 2nd April 2020, Central Government of India has propelled an App named Aarogya Setu that can caution users if they come in close contact with contaminated or infected individuals and enable a risk self-assessment. The application asks information about your age, profession, worldwide travel history, contact, side effects and existing conditions, for example, diabetes, hypertension and lung infection. It uses the telephone’s Bluetooth and GPS information to check whether the individual has interacted with somebody who could have tested positive for COVID-19.

5G and Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

All the previously mentioned innovation patterns depend upon a stable, high-speed and affordable internet. While 5G has shown its significance in remote monitoring and healthcare consultation, the rollout of 5G is postponed in Europe when the innovation might be required the most. The selection of 5G will expand the expense of compatible devices and the cost of data plans. Tending to these issues to guarantee comprehensive access to internet will keep on being a test as the 5G network expands worldwide.

If you are keen to get detailed information about the above write-up, please reach out to us at [email protected]. Our experts are consistently there to help you in dealing with the entirely all your technical challenges. We’ll be more than happy to listen your concerns and assist you in the best possible way. Please feel free to drop a line in the area of comment section below or directly email us at above mentioned email address.

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