Magento vs OsCommerce

osCommerce vs Magento

One of the best rivalry pair in today’s technology is Magento and osCommerce. However, the involvement of modern technologies are favoring Magento more because of fame that veteran (Magento) technology has earned.


Talking about the investment, they are quite similar as both are open source platforms. Moreover, we do not have to invest much in downloading or installing. The developers are all free to play with their customized features and amazing capabilities. Hosting is another factor that must be treated on the priority. Along with such amazing features. both the technologies are up to the mark in providing the required service, but somewhere it depends on the traffic that a website  obtain.


No doubt, Magento provides you the quality but it is not handy at all. To grab the concepts, you must be a quick learner since the complexity level is a bit high. While on the other hand, Oscommerce is not that much easy to deal with but when compared with Magento it accomlishes our tasks within minutes without investing much efforts.


As Magento is more complex since every single unit can be transformed and customized as per the situations.So, the involvement of an expert becomes a necessary factor to deal with. It is worth investing both energy and money that puts Magento a step ahead technology in comparison


Updation plays a vital role in the success of any technology because it deals with the needs and requirements of the user on a regualar basis. With the help of updated and latest versions of the software, user can leverage countless features of Both the CMS. In Magento, a new system update is released generally every month with additional specific security updates, responsiveness and many more. Whereas on the other hand osCommerce update does not take place regularly. This indicates the major importance of Magento over osCommerce.

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