nuxt.js-best vue,js

Nuxt.js – best Vue.js framework

Nuxt.js is a high-level framework that has been created using Vue.js. It enables us to create high-quality web apps to simplify and speed up the development of universal and single-page applications. The motive behind its release is to improve Vue.js, it means they are not interchangeable, Vue.js can smoothly work without Nuxt.js but the latter can’t make the difference without Vue.js. It is flexible enough that brings countless advantages and doesn’t ask for any compromises. Yeah, it is quite new to the world of development but you do not need to worry about it. Via this blog, we will make you aware of this thriving technology and surely you would be comfortable enough by the existence of this leading-edge technology. Just go through with the below-mentioned points to know about the major advantages of Nuxt.js.


There are several features of Nuxt.js, let us discuss some of them.

Universal Application (server-side rendering)         

Universal application, what does it mean? Let’s clear it, It is one of the biggest advantages where the framework facilitates the creation of the universal application. Nuxt.js is written in JavaScript and the script can be used on both client sides as well as on the server-side, this is what universal application refers to.

Automatic Code Splitting 

The successor of Vue.js can generate the static version of your website along with webpack configuration. For each statically generated route, the route gets its JavaScript file with just a bit of code needed to run that specific route.

Setup Via the command line 

Nuxt.js has come up with a starter template that has been named as “starter-template”. It will provide you all the scaffolding that you required to get started along with a good folder structure for an organization. Make sure, you have installed vue-cli then run the command “$ vue init nuxt-community/starter template <project-name>”. Now just cd into the application and after npm installation you would be ready to go.

Development Server 

Nuxt.js has almost diminished our efforts, it can automatically install the server update. During the development of code or at the time of dealing with vue files, the successor Nuxt.js uses the web pack configuration to recompiles the code automatically. It has also come up with a default hot reloading support.

Compiling ES6/ES7 Easily 

Along with webpack, Nuxt.js comes bundled with Babel where it handles the compilation of the latest version of JavaScript such as ES7 or ES6. It has configured the Babel to deal with the .Vue file and ES6 code that comes inside the script tags.

In the above portion of the write-up, we have come up with several features of Nuxt.js. It is has made the way and work a lot easier. Being a leading-edge technology, it has come up with a wide range of features that are not possible to describe in one go. If you are keen to get aware of all the special features of Nuxt.js, you may reach out to us at [email protected]. Feel free to connect with us via the mail mentioned above. We would be extremely happy to listen from you.

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