
Role Of Testing In SDLC

With all the buzz around technologies, software plays a vital role in making things smooth. However, it includes various phases that combine to make a complete software. Among the different stages of the SDLC, we have a phase named testing that assures the quality of the software. No doubt, the developer plays an important role in transform the ideas into reality but quality assurance engineer comes up to make things better in terms of quality. If you are looking to clear your doubts about the role of testing in the software development life cycle, this blog can make things better for you.

Extent Of Software Testing

The necessary aspect of software testing is to identify the bugs in order to reveal and spot them. Software testing is not only aids to correct the faults earlier to the last step, but also decrease the reworking of getting errors in the first step every time. It not only minimizes the efforts but also saves a slash of time and resources that can be utilized somewhere else. The basic need for the testing is to provide the best quality product without investing a huge amount of money and time.


Estimation of software testing includes various parameters which are as follows:

  • Identifying the problem raised part.
  • Illuminating objectives.
  • Evaluation of every act of the system.
  • Standards of the code which are involved to develop.
  • Way of upgrade the under implemented codes.
  • Cost Exceeds.


  • Recognition of Error and Faults.
  • Statistics to Shareholders and Status of Organization.
  • Enhancement in Product Standards.
  • Technical Significance.
  • To Succeed of any Contentious Programmers.
  • Free from any Risk.
  • Enhanced Standards.
  • Confirmation and Corroboration.
  • Credibility Evaluation.
  • Demonstrate Accessibility and Feasibility.
  • Avoid Fault Immigration.
  • Commercial Significance.


There are a number of Software Development Life Cycle models and every model is used in the testing stage that makes testing an essential element in any SDLC. With the help of different types of testing (e.g. assimilation tests, element testing, user recognition testing system testing and regression tests, etc.) coder may produce a consistent and reliable application. It also includes different types of process e.g. test analysis, test plan, test design, and test execution.

Testing has a significant part in the software development life cycle. It also upgrades the standard of the software and programmed by identifying errors and bugs prior to the system. Hence, it plays a vital role in upgrading the standard of the organization.

In the above context, we have looked over the significance of testing in the software development life cycle. Yeah, quality assurance is the must to maintain the standard of software as per the requirement of clients. If you are keen to get aware of all the points in detail, you may reach out to us at [email protected]. We are always there to help you in dealing with all your technical challenges. Feel free to connect with us via the mail mentioned above. We would be extremely happy to listen to the words from your side.

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