major benefits of android

Major advantages of Android Development

With almost 85% of the market share around the world, Android has been a dominating entity. The Google-based platform has provided users with countless extravagant features without a heavy pinch on their pocket. Among the several competitors in the market, Android has a massive user base. Being a famed technology around the world, there are several competitors but Android is an inch ahead in all the aspects. If you are not well aware of the benefits of android development, this write-up will help you in making your doubts crystal clear.

Major Benefits

There are several benefits of android development which are as follows:


Being an open-source platform, Android software development kit SDK is readily available to developers. Its cost-effectiveness is also a vital factor that has made it a prioritized factor for the rapid improvement in the business. We can classify the development cycle into three different phases which are as follows:

•          App design and development.

•          App Testing.

•          App Deployment.

Suitable for BYOD

BYOD stands for bringing your business device that is mainstreamed across the various business sectors. Both of these approaches have enhanced collaboration and communication in the workplace regardless of the distance and the time. Android also helps you to implement the BYOD approach with ease.

Easy Customization

Android has come up with highly flexible and easy customization options, its robust OS can integrate all types of modifications ranging from simple to the complex. It enables us for the modification and integration of several tools and data management functions to keep up with the requirements and the updates out there.

Security and handy marketing

Android stands firmly against its rival iOS in terms of data security. It has almost diminished the existence of malware attacks. It has rolled out several business-friendly features such as the promotion of an android app and incredible security.

Scope for innovation

The global presence of Android has been a major entity behind its success over the past certain past years. You can leverage the existence of high-end app solutions that are integrated with modern thriving technologies such as AR and VR at reasonable rates. Thus, Android offers a wide range of innovation that opens the door to new business opportunities.

Evolving Platform

Android is still evolving at a rapid pace. Several famed giants across the world are trying their best to providing users the best quality feature by keeping the efforts and the investments less. They keep on updating the new features in their quiver to keep up with the technology as per the interest and the choice of the users.

In the above context, we have discussed several features of Android development. Being a famed technology across the globe, it is not possible to describe all the existing features in one go. If you are keen to get aware of all the remaining features, you may reach out to us at [email protected]. We are 24/7 available to help you in dealing with all your technical challenges. Feel free to connect with us via the mail mentioned above. We would be extremely happy to listen from you.

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