Reasons to prefer agile

Reasons to prefer Agile Methodology

No matter in which business you are putting up the efforts, the quality of the product matters a lot. In the same way, the QA engineer ensures the quality of the product by testing all the possible scenarios. However, certain models come into existence in terms of approach: Waterfall model, Spiral Model, V model, etc. Via this blog, we will make you aware of one of the most widely used models named as Agile Model. Over 90% of organizations have adopted this Agile methodology to bring them on the track of success. Without further due, let’s have a bit of discussion over its benefits.

Stakeholder engagement

The methodology provides various opportunities for the engagement of team management during and after each sprint. Since there is a high degree of collaboration between the project team and the client, it saves a lot of time. Delivering the product within sprint duration and frequent meetings increase stakeholder’s trust in the team’s ability to deliver high-quality products.

Early and predictable delivery

With the help of time-boxed, fixed schedule sprints of 2 to 4 weeks, new features can be delivered quickly. However, we can bring quality results along with a high level of predictability. It provides us the opportunity to release or beta test the software earlier than planned.

Allows for change

In the Agile flow model, stakeholders can change the requirements and specifications any time even in the mid of the project. No matter what changes the client has requested, it can be easily implemented in the next sprint of the project. Hence, we can say that the product backlog is flexible enough to change the requirements at any time as per the conditions.

Business Value Focus

It provides the clients an opportunity to prioritize the features as per there requirements. Via this activity scrum team comes to know that which feature is more vital to the client’s business and which can be pending until the next release takes place.

Enhanced Quality

Agile flow breaks down the project into manageable units by producing frequent builds, testing activities and reviews during each iteration. This improves the quality of incredible heights by finding and fixing defects within no time. It helps us in identifying the mismatches or chances of major bugs in the early stage.

In the above context, we have shed up the light over the beneficial features of Agile methodology. If you are looking to make the most out of the software within less time and cost investments, Agile flow is the prioritized option to go with. It ensures us to bring the quality to the next level of success along with flexibility in terms of requirements of the product backlog. if you are in a search of the best development company that can transform the ideas into reality via Agile methodology, Ahom Technologies is the preferred option to go with. Our experts are always available to help you in dealing with all your technical challenges. Feel free to connect with us via the mail mentioned above. We would be extremely happy to get the words from your side.

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