software development trends

Software Development Trends of 2019

Technology is one such factor of modern days which always keeps on changing. In fact, it is the most rapidly growing and demanding profession for the fulfillment of various actions.  In this article, we are going to have some of the leading software development trends of 2019 that will be the point of concern for business owners to go with.

Let us find out some trends that we will carry from the past years and those ones that will be newly introduced.

Artificial Intelligence

Some of the companies have already started dealing with artificial intelligence and machine learning that helps in managing various operations and functionalities smoothly and accurately incomparable with that of human efficiency. More than 70% of the software development companies will start implementing AI-based applications across multiple functions and services. It’s not hard to say that artificial intelligence will dominate the IT-sphere for a couple of years in the least. It’s adoption reaching 50% of the companies in the USA and rapidly penetrating the Armenian market too.

Involvement of artificial intelligence and machine learning will play a vital role in transforming the business over time in the following ways:

  • Artificial intelligence products and services would change the value proposition.
  • Customer experience and activities would be digitally driven.
  • Various important tasks and processes otherwise managed manually would be automated.


Blockchain would be one of the most leading software development trends of 2019. This technology is widely on the rise as many companies have adopted it and many are seeking to have it in 2019. According to the reports of Forbes it has been stated that some of the Giant names such as Microsoft, Amazon, and Oracle are now exploring blockchain technology.  We would witness companies with their own kind of blockchain applications and functionalities, which would enhance the need for hiring learned and skilled blockchain professionals for developing a kind of all related software. It requires a lot of expense to develop and test these blockchain applications but as far as the positive side of the same is concerned, it is a numerous technology to go with because it will be a great helping factor in the future for the long run.

It is a peer to peer network of interconnected computers where data can be stored and no third party can be allowed to have access to steal and have certain modifications. Basically, it can be termed as a distributed ledger technology which furnishes the need for central entities. So, it’s not wrong to say that 2019 will be the exact time to go for blockchain technology.

Progressive Web Applications

Progressive Web Application (PWA) is nothing than a type of mix between a regular web application and a mobile app. According to Gartner, PWAs were mentioned as one of the leading software development trends last year and it is likely to maintain the same status in 2019 because of less complexity in developing and maintaining when compared to conventional mobile applications. These are the web pages or certain websites that act like a native as well as conventional mobile application. One of the main advantages of the same is to have benefits of mobile experience along with the features of browser technology.

So, if you are seeking for something easier to dive into, start exploring PWAs.

Cyber Security

Inching towards the security purpose, a need for cybersecurity is the concern of high priority and surely going to be the leading trend in 2019. Cybersecurity factor needs to be taken more seriously on both the internal as well as the external front of any business, nothing can be more than important to ensure that the software and other internal functionalities are safe and secure. We can expect a rapid increase in the investment across cybersecurity services and the products by US$ 1t over and after a coming half-decade of time. As far as required professionals are concerned, there is not a large number of experienced experts who can get them set up right, because of such a reason companies and business owners are ready to spend a fortune to get the things in place.

More of JavaScript

JavaScript is also the main entity in the list of latest software development trends of 2019. Surely, it would rule the software development world for the coming future until something better than it would arrive. The popularity of the same can be easily observed as more than 70% of the developers are using it. Another factor of its popularity is the craze of using Node.js (a most popular tool according to the survey of Stack overflow) which shows that JavaScript will continue being the most prioritized selection in software over the coming years.

In such a rapidly changing and growing world, nothing is more than important to stay up to date especially in the field of technology. So, we need to keep up with all the new trends and changes that are occurring around us, as it is never too late for all of us to have initiated for grabbing new things.  

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