Magento1 vs Magento

Magento 1 vs Magento 2

Magento, a name that has provided us the golden chance to elevate our business somewhere above the level of triumph, it was established many moons ago in 2008. Now it has amazed the world by its extravagant upgrade named Magento 2. We have already covered it in our previous write-up, it has been a boon for the e-commerce owners over the certain past years. But certain owners or even the customers are not well aware of why Magento 2 has been established? Is it necessary to switch our business? What parameters have changed? Several such questions have stolen the nights of owners out there. To help them in coming out from this scenario, we have come up with several comparisons (Magento 1 vs Magento 2) that will surely make the management handy.


Let us compare Magento 1 vs Magento 2 in terms of technology stack:

Magento 1

·        API was retroactively added.

·        Architecture was flexible.

·        Open Source.

·        Legacy PHP.

·        No Support for CSS3 and HTML5.

·        RWD theme included.

·        Weak Content Staging.

·        Sub-par search availability.

·        External Paypal.

·        Video features are minimal.

·        Full page cache.

·        SB locking issues.

·        Automated tests technique.

·        JS – prototype.

·        Huge extension marketplace.

·        Stale Admin Panel

·        Non Responsive admin.

·        EE pricing licensing.

·        Approx 10 month project cycle.

·        Legacy Checkout.

·        Methods of shipping.

·        Extension Market and Connect Store.

Magento 2

·        API is core to the technology.

·        Architecture for Speed.

·        Open Source. (Same)

·        Ships with less.

·        PHP5.6 /7.0.

·        Native support for HTML5 and CSS3.

·        RWD Theme Included. (Same)

·        Advanced Content Staging.

·        Elastic Search.

·        In site Pay Pal availability.

·        PCI compliance with Hosted Fields.

·        Integrated Video.

·        FPC/ Varnish.

·        Zero table locking.

·        Improved Automated Test.

·        JS- Query.

·        Minimal Extensions for 2.0.

·        Fresh new design in Admin.

·        Customizable data grid.

·        Responsive Admin Panel.

·        EE pricing for order volume.

·        Assure for approx 6 months of the project cycle.

·        Streamlined process for checkout.

·        Shipping methods and the same methods.

·        Rigorous Extension Testing.


When it comes about frontend, Magento 2 is an inch ahead than to that of its earlier version.

•            It has added ajax cart with a one-page checkout process for the quick and convenient checkout step.

•            Magento 2 provides responsiveness.

•            Provides faster frontend performance.


About 50% percent of the online shoppers switch the website because of its longer loading time. But the amendment of Magento 2 has smoothed the things a bit. The loading time is even faster than the standard time of 2 or 3 seconds. With such an improvement, undoubtedly Magento 2 is the winner.

Should you move to Magento 2?

Are you looking to switch the platform to Magento 2, but there are a lot many things that need to be considered. Let us have a brief discussion over the certain necessary points:

If the site is working well, there is no need to go for upgraded version but if you want to create a dynamic change in your website, it’s time for you to install and leverage the features of the same. But while upgrading the version, you need to take care of certain points which are as follows:

•            Make sure to be ready with a detailed plan while upgrading the website.

•            While updating the site with the newer version, you just need to promote every extension for the confirmation.

In the above context, we have discussed certain features and strengths of Magento 2 over the older version. No doubt, Magento 2 is the first choice when it comes to comparison but only when it requires. Hope so, you have a clear idea about why Magento 2? Several factors have not been covered to get discussed in the above write-up. If you are seeking to switch the platform, you may reach out to us at [email protected]. We are 24/7 available to help you in dealing with all your technical challenges. Feel free to connect with us via the mail mentioned above.

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