
Upgrade E-Commerce store to Magento 2 CMS

Magento 2 CMS was officially released two years ago. It was a major release. This version came up with much of improvements to the existing functionalities and so many new functionalities were added too. Magento team assumed that most users will be upgrading their stores to unleash the most from the latest release but what was found that a large base of store owners is still reluctant to upgrade their store. The reasons are also quite understandable. No one wants to disturb a properly running system. Also, the migration to a newer version is not always an easy task. It requires a basic technical understanding.

Still, it is highly recommended to upgrade your stores. Let us discuss why you should be upgrading your magento e commerce store.

Lifetime of Magento 1 is limited

Softwares do have a lifetime. Each release has a particular timeframe to live in and after that the supporting environment and the dependencies etc gets changed so you start getting issues and start feeling like left behind in an improved technical ecosystem.

Initially, Magento 1 was planned to be dropped by November 2018 but for the time being, core team behind magento has planned to extend it to a foreseeable future. But be sure that Magento 1 will come to a phase when the support and the ecosystem behind the platform will get too limited according to your needs so better to be alert and move on to Magento 2 CMS with the changing time.

Magento 1 will not be updated

The package is still available to you for running your stores. But the new changes and feature updates will not be applied to Magento 1. All new development will go with Magento 2 CMS only. Magento 1 does not support the extentions for Magento 2. One can easily understand that no developer will develop new extensions for a platform which is near its end of life. So new extensions will get added to Magento 2 only.

Magento 1 was past, a good companion to be precised but Magento 2 is the future, a vibrant, bright and promising future.

The Good parts of Magento 1 are available in Magento 2

Magento 2 was developed after years and years of developing and supporting Magento 1. So the team behind this knows well how to make a great e-commerce tool. They have presented a fast, secure and more robust system.

Magento 2 offers many new things to you. Some examples include –  PHP 7 support, elastic search support, better video integration, support for responsive themes and responsive admin dashboard.

PHP 7 support is the most exciting thing about Magento 2. Improvement in performance is great. You can serve more users at a particular time with the same resource as of now.

 In short, Magento 2 offers you a great range of improvements and new features. This makes it cool and adaptive for your project. You must upgrade your store now if you haven’t done it yet.

If you are facing any issues regarding the upgrade or if you want someone else to do it for you, feel free to ask. Do not hesitate to drop us a mail at [email protected] with your queries. We are a team of expert Magento developers from India. We are always here to help you grow.

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