how to choose wordpress theme-ahomtech,com

How To Choose WordPress Theme

WordPress contains several themes with tons of customization options. If not coded exactly, these options can make it difficult to update or change the theme. In such a case, you will be locked into that theme and need to pay a developer to make it handy for the update. On the other hand, some WordPress theme looks really great but can make your website really slow. No one favors slow website particularly Google as far as the ranking of the same is concerned. To get rid of such conditions, we are going to discuss various factors that will help you in “how to choose WordPress theme”.

Strive For Simplicity

There are several WordPress theme with a lot of colors, complex layout, and flashy animations. Always go look for the theme that consists of design layouts along with a suitable theme. If a theme looks great but does not help you in obtaining businesses or subscribers, the theme would be of no use. So, make sure, your users should be able to find their way around the website smoothly without any complexity or interruption.

Responsive is must

Responsiveness of the website is a necessary aspect of any theme. With the help of responsive websites, we can get a significant amount of traffic from mobile and other handheld devices. This number could go even higher as per the popularity of the site. Most of the websites are by default responsive but there are still several sellers who are selling fixed layouts that are not responsive at all. Google shows mobile-friendly websites at the top of the rankings in their mobile search results, so make sure that the theme you are selecting for your website should be mobile-friendly.

Browser Compatibility

Inching towards the browser compatibility, your theme may look best and extensive on the particular browser you use, but it is not necessary that it will work in the same way for all the existing browsers. There might be something unstructured or broken when the same website will go through the browser compatibility testing. So, make sure that the website should be able to run on all the browsers as it may help in the best user experience and due to different types of browsers it may lead to having more traffic as well.

Supported Plug-ins

WordPress Plug-in is the real power of WordPress. With the help of such plug-ins, one can be able to arrange or mold the site as per the required conditions. There are several types of plugins such as Gravity Forms, Yoast SEO, W3 total cache, etc. These Plugins provide the best features and support to the website for the welfare of the particular business which makes them a must aspect to go with.

Page Builders

Another solid part of how to choose a WordPress theme is the page builder where One can easily create a page layout using drag and drop interface with the help of this WordPress Plugin. These page builders are used to create a landing page that can produce a lot of unwanted code. So, in case if you ever switch a theme, such types of pages require a lot of cleaning process to clear the unwanted code. One should go with the themes which are shipping with one of the most used page builder plugins, even these page builders are readily available and can be purchased separately to use with other themes as well.

SEO friendliness

WordPress theme plays a vital role in our site’s friendliness. A good looking theme is not everything that a website requires. Even a best-designed website may have poorly coded HTML that is not a good sign for our website. However, Google crawlers may face several problems while analyzing the poor code site. It could be difficult for beginners to analyze the theme source code on their own. One can easily look to see if the page generates proper HTML5 by checking it with the W3C markup validation service.

Ratings and Reviews

Another solid indicator of WordPress’s best quality is its ratings and reviews given by users. For free versions of WordPress themes, one can easily find the rating section placed just below the download button where we can see the reviews and stars given by the users. Based on the number of stars and ratings, one can easily come to know about the qualities and features of the particular plugin.

There are several numbers of WordPress plugins exist with their pros and cons based on different situations or requirements of the projects. We have discussed the factors of how to choose a WordPress theme. If you are still left with any concern about the plus points of the WordPress theme, you can reach out to us at [email protected]. We are round the clock available and will be more than happy to serve you for all your problems and queries.

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