Web design trends 2019-ahomtech

Web Design Trends 2019

Designers always remain an anxious relationship with trending ideas. However, creativity is also an important factor to deal with but to follow the trending features with the latest changes should be a high priority factor for better outcomes. One can’t simply do the opposite of a trend, of course. But knowing the trends help designers to handle the situation in a well-defined manner because designers can be able to apply the latest web design trends only if they got familiar with all the latest trends of designing.

Let us look at some latest web design trends that will definitely be going to be a high priority requirement in 2019.

User interface / User Experience Design  

As far as user interface and user experience are concerned, web users expect a flawless online experience from start to finish. And failure to meet that expectation can result in serious trouble for a particular business. Let’s imagine someone has visited a website and have a hard time finding the item he is looking for, such frustration will force the person to leave the site and try for another one. This means that poor UI/UX is turning away a lot of potential sales opportunities, even one can’t realize how many solid leads are going away just because of poor UI. Because of such reasons, user interface and user experience design are definitely going to be trump for its own sake in 2019.

White space

Management of plenty of white space in a website is an important thing to handle with, the reason is simple because content with white space is easier to read and one can be able to navigate smoothly. Leaving lots of white space also makes it easier for the user to directly focus on the point which he/she is looking for. Technically, it doesn’t have to be white but it just needs to be devoid of any text, graphics or photos in that particular area of the page. This trend is not new, but the requirement of creating websites with better user experience and strong conversions will make it even more demanding in 2019.

Graphics and Illustration

Web templates have improved over the years and at present, they are more customizable than ever before. But they are still templates, so it may be possible that thousands of other websites will use that very same design and one never wants to be lost in such a competitive market with those former templates. As a solution to such a situation, custom graphic designs and illustrations will definitely go to be the great tools in 2019 for our business that provides us an extensive business look to differentiate from the competition in such a competitive market.


One of the most important things that our brain perceives from a brand is color, so often the first thing that pulls up our eyes is the color management of the website. According to the University of Winnipeg, people make up their minds within 90 seconds of their initial interaction with either people or the following type of products for which they are searching. In such a condition, color plays an important role because 62-90 percent of the assessment is based on colors alone. So, suitable use of colors can contribute not only to differentiate our products from the competitive crowd but also helps in attracting the crowd based on the interest of the user. Engaged viewers and conversion rates can be easily increased with the help of choosing the right color at suitable places on our website.  At present all the brands are fighting to differentiate themselves from the competitors and the factor that is helping them a lot for such an improvement is the choices of the bold color accordingly. Because of such reasons, we can expect to see web designers embracing bright and bold colors throughout 2019.


For a particular website, the gradient goes hand in hand with the bright colors on the web. They play a vital role in making the website attractive and best for user experience. The trend of using a gradient is not new but it is one of the most important points to go with when used skillfully according to the requirements, the gradient can help in providing the users a facility to focus at the most important information and the calls to action on the particular website. Being a high priority feature, we will see bright colors and gradients going strong in 2019.

Dynamic Scrolling

Dynamic scrolling is the best feature to go with as websites were designed to keep pages short with the most important information “above the fold”. With the help of dynamic scrolling, one can design the website in such a way so that it can become obvious along with some more content for a viewer to see below the edge of the screen. In 2019, we will definitely be going to see the graphic designers moving viewers through designs with a dimensional scrolling design.

The requirement of particular trends may vary from business to business as specific trends like integrated videos and bright colors might be totally wrong for some audience. Or they could be the best factor to connect with the customers. In this competitive world, there are millions of websites online. So, remember that the only way to stand out is to create a website that looks unique and different from the existing ones.

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